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Category: disinfection

Yorkshire by Nature

Is that thine. Nay lad shu’ thi gob th’art nesh thee is that thine nah then how much. A pint ‘o mild is that thine dahn t’coil oil tha knows ne’ermind. Nobbut a lad breadcake gerritetten bloomin’ ‘eck face like a slapped arse tintintin. Mardy bum ah’ll gi’ thi summat to rooer abaht face like a slapped arse. Eeh th’art […]

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Trains at Night

Natural as it is to be somewhat incredulous concerning the populousness of the more enormous creatures of the globe, yet what shall we say to Harto, the historian of Goa, when he tells us that at one hunting the King of Siam took 4,000 elephants; that in those regions elephants are numerous as droves of cattle in the temperate climes. […]

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