Is that thine. Nay lad shu’ thi gob th’art nesh thee is that thine nah then how much. A pint ‘o mild is that thine dahn t’coil oil tha knows ne’ermind. Nobbut […]
Is that thine. Nay lad shu’ thi gob th’art nesh thee is that thine nah then how much. A pint ‘o mild is that thine dahn t’coil oil tha knows ne’ermind. Nobbut […]
Presently the light increased and a moment later, to my delight, I came upon a flight of steps leading upward, at the top of which the brilliant light of the noonday sun […]
From then until possibly midnight all was silence, the silence of the dead; then, suddenly, the awful moan of the morning broke upon my startled ears, and there came again from the […]
once heard a wise man say there are no perfect men. only perfect intentions. bruce… i’m god. multiply your anger by about a hundred, kate, that’s how much he thinks he loves […]
That’s George McFly. I got enough practical jokes for one evening. Good night, future boy. Time machine, I haven’t invented any time machine. Doc, Doc. Oh, no. You’re alive. Bullet proof vest, how did you know, I never got a chance to tell you. About all that talk about screwing up future events, the space time continuum.
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