Week 30: The Blue Lagoon
Cotton candy dragée marzipan lemon drops wafer topping marshmallow pudding. Wafer macaroon toffee gingerbread croissant apple pie tiramisu cake. Pastry fruitcake caramels icing marshmallow tart gummi bears jelly beans pastry. Oat cake bonbon cupcake toffee apple pie fruitcake applicake. Ice cream chocolate caramels bonbon sugar plum pudding. Wafer jelly marshmallow brownie marzipan dragée topping jelly…

Week 29: Still Water
Always wanted to be a blogging superstar? Or simply want to learn your way around WordPress.com? Check out Learn WordPress.com.

Moving Mountain Goats
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. Mark Twain
# Permanent link to Mark Twain – Travel Wisdom
Week 23: Feeling the Heat
Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean.

Week 20: A Coastal Walk
Things are starting to take shape around here. I hope you’re liking this theme!

Week 18: Cooler Weather
Martin: What’s with all the strange looking words on some of these posts and pages? Julius: It’s Latin. Martin: Ah. Do you read Latin? Julius: Not a word. Martin: That’s pretty weird then, isn’t it? Julius: Nope, it’s just there as filler text. Martin: Like breadcrumbs in meatloaf. Julius: Sort of, I guess. 🙂

Week 15: A Clifftop View
Selvage bicycle rights pour-over single-origin coffee, Neutra aesthetic forage plaid viral. Chambray fap Cosby sweater, whatever Tonx meggings synth occupy selvage. Lomo flannel scenester raw denim church-key yr. Small batch twee selvage, polaroid +1 brunch hashtag church-key aesthetic chillwave. Kitsch +1 fap retro chia gluten-free, kogi deep v. Distillery stumptown meggings flannel, beard authentic Tonx…

Week 12: On the Crest of a Wave
If you’ve never read it, check out The Blogging Software Dilemma and see how WordPress got its start all the way back in January of 2003.