Tag: announcement

Week 31: Waiting for a Boat

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque eget urna placerat, rutrum dui a, rhoncus nulla. Proin vitae est in sem laoreet tristique eget eu purus. Etiam tempor nec libero ac suscipit. Proin pellentesque magna sed feugiat malesuada. Vivamus consequat quam nec eros rhoncus volutpat. Suspendisse posuere odio id sagittis rutrum. Sed malesuada nisi…

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Week 18: Cooler Weather

Martin: What’s with all the strange looking words on some of these posts and pages? Julius: It’s Latin. Martin: Ah. Do you read Latin? Julius: Not a word. Martin: That’s pretty weird then, isn’t it? Julius: Nope, it’s just there as filler text. Martin: Like breadcrumbs in meatloaf. Julius: Sort of, I guess. 🙂

Read more Week 18: Cooler Weather